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If you want to boost your sales using social media platforms that today I’m going to tell you some really important tips, tricks, or optimizations, you can say whatever you feel like. This blog will help you to know what you actually need to do and use important features of social media platforms to streamline the process which will definitely improve your sales.

Offer free shipping:   Use your social media channels for promoting your free shipping campaign if you can afford that. Human psychology plays a very important role in making payments, by offering free shipping you make them psychologically satisfied that “thank god there is no extra shipping cost”. People hate paying shipping charges and this results in an increasing cart abandonment rate. The best way to reduce this is to promote & offer free shipping on social media so that people don’t hesitate in making payments.

Run polls: Polls are very good when it is about engaging your audience and the best© platform for running a poll is Instagram. Polls will help you know what your customers actually want and what are problems they are facing with your products & services. When you get to know about the issues and wants of your customers, you’ll be able to improve. This will automatically increase your sales when you’ll be able to give the best customer experience, products, services& customer care.

Pin contests: Contests created on Pinterest works very good especially for e-commerce businesses. It helps to create brand awareness and increase your reach. Some Pinterest users love to participate in these contests and buy things that they personally love even they win the contest or not. Start creating content for Pinterest and increase your sales.

Give Discounts, offers & gift coupons: People all over the world not just in India love additional things like discounts, offers, gift coupons, free accessories & products when they shop for something. You can leverage social media to promote many types of products discounts, offers, etc., to gain traction and increase sales. Flash sales are also one of its parts which you can promote on social media so that people get the urge to shop and make instant payment, flash sales work very well in this.

Use hashtags: You must consistently use power full as a tag on Twitter and other platforms like Koo, re-edit & all because it helps in tracking content for both you and your participants. This helps everybody to join the conversation which you can track easily. In the past, Coca-Cola ran a very successful campaign using some powerful hashtags & one image on Twitter which suddenly increases their sales and all this happened because of that content.

Right time, right product: Share content that is relevant to present time and requirement and attach a relevant product with that content. Like for example, you have an online clothing store & winter is coming. People are searching for “best jackets for winters”. Create the content on this topic, it can be video, it can blog, it can Canva post, whatever you want, and share your “best jackets collections for winters” along with that on every social media platform. I’m very sure that you’ll see positive results after this in your sales campaign.

In the end: There are many other ways to leverage social media to boost up sales and I can talk for hours on that but I think this is enough for today. Thanks for reading!

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